Infrared Sauna Detoxification | 37 min |
Sauna Duration= 37 mins | Room Allocation= 70 mins
Service Description
Sweat out the toxins. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors. With the deepest penetration, Sunlighten saunas’ infrared helps increase blood flow and perspiration. Mid and Far Infrared • Starts at a high intensity to increase the body’s core temperature, then reduces to a lower intensity level. Mid and far infrared combination improves vascular access flow to reach toxins at the cellular level. Sauna Duration: 37 minutes Session Duration: 70 minutes
Contact Details
The Conscious Beauty Therapist, down driveway, Katoomba NSW, Australia